Prices for our Black Forest holiday apartments

Price overview

Booking request

Prices per apartment / night

from 16 years:

1 adult 65,00 € plus visitor's tax
2 adults 78,00 € plus visitor's tax
3 adults 98,00 € plus visitor's tax
4 adults 118,00 € plus visitor's tax
5 adults 138,00 € plus visitor's tax


Children 6-15 years:

per child 15,00 € plus visitor's tax


Children 0-5 years:

per child 6,00 € no visitor's tax

Extra charge for short stays:

1 to 2 nights 20,00 €
3 nights 10,00 €


Pets (on request - max one dog per appartement):


10,00 €

Arrival and departure

  • check-in on workdays from 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. (or by arrangement)
  • arrival on Sundays only by prior arrangement
  • check-out until 10 a.m.

Payment per bank transfer in advance or by cash at arrival at our house.

We recommend travel cancellation insurance.

Booking request

Ferienwohnungen Schreinerhäusle | Familie Greber | Steinbachtal 12 - 79274 St. Märgen
Tel: 07669 - 1652 | Fax: 07669 - 9399081 | Email: | Imprint | Terms and conditions | Data protection