Apartment Rose ***

2-room apartment with terrace for 2 - 4 persons

The apartment has a bedroom, a living/dining room with fully equipped kitchenette, shower/WC. As the apartment is on the first floor, it is easily accessible. A large ground terrace invites you to linger.

The bedroom, approx. 10m², is furnished with a double bed. The sofa in the living area can be converted into an additional bed for small children or teenagers.

The bathroom has approx. 3.2 m² and is equipped with a basic set of hand and shower towels.

The approx. 10 m² ground terrace with a view to the south is furnished with sun loungers, a table and seating. An awning provides protection from the sun on hot days.

from 65,00 €

per apartment / night

Booking request Price overview

Ferienwohnungen Schreinerhäusle | Familie Greber | Steinbachtal 12 - 79274 St. Märgen
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